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Recent News

Program Rankings

UHV Digital Gaming and Simulation program is ranked #6 in Game Design and Development in the Southwest, and #45 Nationally, by Animation Career Review. Find our regional ranking at
Top 15 Game Design Schools
Top 75 Game Design Schools.
Congratulations Faculty and Students!!!!!!

Ready, Set, MoCap!

We are another step closer to hosting our fantastic motion capture studio on campus.

Computation and Advanced Visualization Engineering (CAVE) lab.
Here is a T-160 camera by Vicon. We use these motion capture cameras for gaming, virtual reality and robotics research and projects.
Meet Eddie, a MARK-based robot.
9th Rock is a fun, puzzle-filled game developed by a team of our students. Spencer's animations were motion captured!!


Please browse our website to learn more about our program, activities, and facility.

You can also check out our Artificial Intelligence group and our Computation & Advanced Visualization Engineering Laboratory.

Powered By Unreal

Unreal Engine is the game engine we utilize in our program for research and education. Our students learn to create ultra-realistic games and simulation contents with this state-of-the-art engine, using both C++ and Unreal's Kismet and Blueprint visual scripting languages.

High School Robotics Program

High School Robotics

Please visit our High School Robotics Consortium website to learn more about this R&D program for high school students.

Digital Gaming and Simulation at UHV

Digital Gaming and Simulation

This unique program may be pursued as a part of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science or Bachelor of Applied Art and Science degree programs. Please click here for more information.

Math CS Day

Math and CS Awareness

More information about the annual Mathematics and Computer Science Awareness event on our campus is available on the Math and Computer Science Day website.

This page has been created and maintained by Alireza Tavakkoli©. Last Modified August 2013.