Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
UHV ID * Required
Family Name/Last Name* Required
First Name * Required
Middle Name
Country of Citizenship * Required
Email * Required
Academic Program * Required
Expected Graduation Date * Required (mm/dd/yyyy)
List your academic accomplishments. This can be your grades, SAT/ACT/ GRE/GMAT scores, High School, Leaving school grades, pass marks and other exam test results. Please note, scholarships are not awarded for your high TOEFL/IELTS scores.
Academic Accomplishments:
Other Awards and Recognitions:
Please submit for the following documents in Portable Document Format (pdf): *
Submit a two (2) page personal statement listing the reasons to why you should receive the Merit Scholarship. Maximum file size: 1MB Attach Statement PDF… Required
Submit a Two (2) page resume. Maximum file size: 1MB Attach Resume PDF… Required
* I certify that I have read and understood the detail information pertaining to the Merit Scholarship at Required
* I certify the information on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Required
* I authorize the release of my transcript for consideration of the application of the scholarship. Required