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Program Rankings

UHV Digital Gaming and Simulation program is ranked #6 in Game Design and Development in the Southwest, and #45 Nationally, by Animation Career Review. Find our regional ranking at
Top 15 Game Design Schools
Top 75 Game Design Schools.
Congratulations Faculty and Students!!!!!!

Ready, Set, MoCap!

We are another step closer to hosting our fantastic motion capture studio on campus.

About Us

Our Mission

Video game industry has rapidly become a worldwide industry and is among the fastest growing high-tech industries. Since its advent the gaming industry has been at the forefront of many advanced technologies and has pushed the computing boundaries beyond ordinary measures. Today with the fast increase in the computational power of personal computers and vast advances in graphics hardware and software, taking a rigorous course of study in digital gaming and simulation is an essential educational path for individuals interested in having a competitive advantage in the growing gaming industry.

The purpose of the Digital Gaming and Simulation (DGS) program at the School of Arts and Sciences is to provide undergraduate and graduate students with the opportunity to reach a demonstrated level of competency in game design and development and 3d computer graphics applications. Course-work towards the DGS program can be used towards the undergraduate degrees in Computer Science or Applied Arts and Sciences. However, its primary purpose is to provide a well-defined target for students who want to advance their knowledge of modern game design and development techniques and work with a variety of professionals, from artists to writers to programmers, to bring the vision for an interactive game or media product to life. The program may be pursued concurrently with any of the undergraduate degree programs at the University of Houston – Victoria.


Computation & Advanced Visualization Engineering Lab

Please visit our amazing CAVE laboratory website to learn more about our pioneering work on motion capture, virtual reality, and visualization.

9th rock!

Student Projects

We have amazing students within the Digital Gaming and Simulation program. Both undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to utilize our computing and visualization facilities to create outstanding projects as a part of their curriculum or as extra-curricular activities. Please click here to see a list of our currently active students.

9th rock!

Artificial Intelligence

We also host a large number of robotics agents at our labs and have an Artificial Intelligence program with activities targeted for high school, undergraduate and graduate students. More information is available on the Artificial Intelligence Group's website.

This page has been created and maintained by Alireza Tavakkoli©. Last Modified August 2013.